
Apache 2.4: ProxyPassMatch prevents mod_rewrite?

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I try to setup a new development-environment in docker, with:

  • Bitnami Apache 2.4 - bitnami/apache:2.4
  • Bitnami PHP 8.0 - bitnami/php-fpm:8.0
  • Bitnami Mysql 5.7 - bitnami/mysql:5.7

The whole thing is up and running fine, except:

In my vhost.conf i redirect php-files to php-fcgi with ProxyPassMatch:

LoadModule proxy_fcgi_module modules/
ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ fcgi://php:9000/app/$1

My problem is, that I need to rewrite *.php-files in a subfolder "dbeS" to "index.php?id=filename". The RewriteRule in .htaccess looks like this:

  RewriteRule ^dbeS/(.*)\.php$ dbeS/index.php?id=$1 [QSA,L]

But it simply does not work. When I open in browser http://localhost/dbeS/mytest.php I should be redirected to http://localhost/dbeS/index.php?id=mytest. But instead he opens the http://localhost/dbeS/mytest.php (which is an empty file).

I read somewhere that the problem is, that ProxyPassMatch is executed before .htaccess so that .htaccess is completely ignored. So I schould have to activate php fcgi with filematch:

<FilesMatch \.php$>
  SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://php:9000/app/"

But this does not work, too. Result is "File not found.". Is there an easy solution for this problem? I hope someone here has an idea how to solve this problem.
Bye, Jörg

I just solved the problem:

I had to change FilesMatch to: <FilesMatch .php$> SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://php:9000"

Then I had to put it inside the Virtualhosts. Additionaly I had wrong Portnumbers in my Virtualhost: I changed <VirtualHost *:80> to <VirtualHost *:8080> and <VirtualHost *:443> to <VirtualHost *:8443>. Now it seems to work as expected.

Mojo78 avatar
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I just solved the problem: I had to change FilesMatch to: <FilesMatch .php$> SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://php:9000" Then I had to put it inside the Virtualhosts. Aditionally I had wrong portnumbers in my Virtualhost: I had <VirtualHost *:80> and had to change it to <VirtualHost *:8080> + <VirtualHost *:443> to <VirtualHost *:8443>. Now it seems to work as expected.
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I just solved the problem:

I had to change FilesMatch to: <FilesMatch .php$> SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://php:9000"

Then I had to put it inside the Virtualhosts. Additionaly I had wrong Portnumbers in my Virtualhost: I changed <VirtualHost *:80> to <VirtualHost *:8080> and <VirtualHost *:443> to <VirtualHost *:8443>. Now it seems to work as expected.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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