
Thin-LVM readonly mode

us flag

I use this command to move data of one thin lv to another lv on separate server.

dd if=/dev/vg/my-lv bs=24M | throttle -v -s 512 -w 2 -m 2000 | ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/my-ssh-keys/id_rsa -q root@destination-server-ip dd conv=sparse of=/dev/vg/new-lv bs=24M

After completion, I run lvdisplay thin-pool on destination server and it says :

LV write Access : read/write (activated read-only)

Though new LV creation works well in that thin pool later on. Is it something to worry ?

Romeo Ninov avatar
in flag
Have you consider moving the files, not the disk blocks?
ca flag

No, you should not have any issue. Basically, lvdisplay is telling that on poweron / first activation, your volume was activated read-only and then switched to read/write operation.

So if you can write to the volume, you have no issue.

Note: keep a close eye on thinpool utilization, as having no free physical space left is not going to be a good experience (read: you will lose data).

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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