
Why the RHEL8 system do not generate SSH host keys automatically when missing?

ru flag

On the RHEL 8 and previous it is usual, that the SSH host keys in /etc/ssh are generated automatically by sshd service when missing. Usually there should be:


Restart of the node or even systemctl restart sshd should be sufficient.

But as of the minor version RHEL 8.7 this may not work any more and the sshd crashes complaining about missing host keys in the journal log. Why? How can I solve this?

ru flag

The sshd service by default calls, which checks availability of host keys in /etc/ssh directory and generates it when missing.

However this well known functionality can be blocked by the new version of cloud-init. As of cloud-init-22.1-5.el8.noarch there is new file:

/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]/disable-sshd-keygen-if-cloud-init-active.conf

with content:

# In some cloud-init enabled images the sshd-keygen template service may race
# with cloud-init during boot causing issues with host key generation.  This
# drop-in config adds a condition to [email protected] if it exists and
# prevents the sshd-keygen units from running *if* cloud-init is going to run.

So when you use the cloud-init you have 2 options now:

  1. Generate host keys manually with ssh-keygen -A (see How to change a SSH host key? for more details and options.
  2. Comment the condition

Simply put the # sign before ConditionPathExists...


Then reload the systemd configuration with systemctl daemon-reload. The usual behavior should be working again.

sx flag

If you are using cloud-init, then you can fix it by adding 'ssh' module in cloud-init config file in section "cloud_init_modules". Refer cloud-init docs

This will generate ssh host key during the firstboot.

You can test this in instance where you are having issue:

cloud-init config file: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
Check if you have 'ssh' module in "cloud_init_modules" section
Run this command to verify cloud-init action. NOTE: This will REBOOT your instance and run the cloud-init action from the scratch.
# cloud-init clean --reboot

Verify the ssh host key in /etc/ssh/ directory and sshd service status.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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