
Freeradius case sentivitity of letters

me flag

I have VirtualMachine with freeradius server (3.0). I am using the authorization file which contains my PPPoE users. The problem seems to be the username: the login is in UPPER CASE which collides with the incoming username.

I can't manually change this because my config file is generated by LMS (Lan Management System - I won`t change anything in code). Is there any method to turn off case-sensitivity in freeradius?

This is my config:

EXAMPLEUSER Cleartext-Password := "ExamplePassword01@"
        Framed-Protocol = PPP,
        Framed-IP-Address =,
        Framed-IP-Netmask =,
        Service-Type = Framed-User,
        Mikrotik-Rate-Limit = "30000k/30000k 30000k/30000k 30000k/30000k 1/1 1 30000k/30000k"

I tried to find information about case-sensitivity, but I couldn't find anything.

es flag

The FreeRadius expr module does provide toupper and tolower. You could convert the received username to "UPPER CASE" in the authorize section or in a policy.

Slightly modified example from the first link

authorize {
    update request {
        Stripped-User-Name := "%{toupper:%{User-Name}}"


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