
MySQL have_ssl and have_openssl DISABLED but certificates installed - Windows Server 2012

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I want to enable an SSL certificate in MySQL Server for some users.

I tried following this tutorial - the one that is below Best Answer.

I installed OpenSSL, created all certificates and edited the my.ini. Then, after running SHOW global variables like '%ssl%'; I have the following result:

Variable_name Value
have_openssl DISABLED
have_ssl DISABLED
ssl_ca C:\mysqlCerts\ca-cert.pem
ssl_cert C:\mysqlCerts\server-cert.pem
ssl_key C:\mysqlCerts\server-key.pem

With DISABLED on have_openssl and have_ssl.

I searched a lot of information, on several forums, and several official pages, but haven't found anything that can help me solve this issue.

Has anyone faced this? I don't know which steps to make and I'm lost .

Thank you in advance and sorry for my bad English.


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