
"ALERT! /dev/mapper/vg0-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell!" when compile linux kernel

tm flag

I compiled linux kernel and got the error seems like initrd can't read file system. I tried both in LVM and non-LVM but none of them work.

With LVM, the error showed:

**ALERT! /dev/mapper/vg0-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell!**

With non-LVM, the error was slightly different:

ALERT! UUID=xxxxxxxx does not exist. Dropping to a shell!

blkid doesn't show anything.

I guess there are some errors or any steps that I missed when I created initrd file.

Those steps that I did when compiling kernel:

  1. Grab source code from
  2. Create config file with: make defconfig (I also tried copy the current config that my OS is running)
  3. Compile kernel: make -j $(nproc)
  4. Copy file bzImage and to /boot
  5. Create initrd file: mkinitramfs –o /boot/initrd-5.15.80.img 5.15.80

Any small help will be so helpful, I stuck with this error for many days without proper solution. Thanks for your time.


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