
Debian 11 (+OMV) not booting with attached HDD

sx flag

I have experienced some Issues with my current NAS. I have used OpenMediaVault 5 for years, but yesterday I decided to upgrade to OMV 6. My NAS is equipped with 3 x 4TB RAID 5 and one 20TB seperate drive. After the update I experice some quiet wired boot behavior.

  • After restart, the system frezze right after the boot screen.
  • If I unplug the 20TB HDD the System startup normal.
  • My NAS supports hotplug slots so I tried to hotplug the HDD right after BIOS-squence and the hard drive is recognized without any problems. SMART Monitoring displayes no problems with that drive.

Based on [this post][1], I suspect that it also has something to do with the disc flags. [1]:

I have tried to identify the issue by using fdisk, but I can´t figure it out. Output fdisk:

For me it seems like, there shouldn´t be sdc1 (20TB HDD) as device listed.

Parted shows no flags for sdc and boot, esp for sdb. Output parted:

It would be nice if someone could explain the flags to me. How do I solve my boot problems with this drive?

Greetings and thank you in advance ;)

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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