
How to install memcashed on a LAMP stack with PHP FPM?

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I have a LAMP stack with PHP FPM and multiple virtual hosts with Wordpress sites on.

I have tried to install memcashed using this tutorial.

In Wordpress sitehealth I get: "You should use a persistent object cache".

In /etc/memcached.conf I have:

-l my IP address
-l ::1

I have set this ufv rule:

sudo ufw allow from client_system_private_IP/32 to any port 11211

In /var/log/apache2/error.log I get:

Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare wp_cache_add() (previously declared in...


I just found this.

It appears that:

The function is defined in two separate files or

The function is defined in two places in the same file

And can be fixed by using include_once instead of include when including my PHP file.

Now I just need to figure how to do so?

How to enable memcached on Wordpress?

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The error you are seeing is not related to your memcached installation at all.

There is something wrong with your WordPress installation. Maybe you have installed/activated two separate cache plugins, and therefore the function is defined twice.

Without further information of your WordPress installation, I cannot give any more detailed answer.

newcat1000 avatar
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Hi Tero, thanks for your answer. I have WP-Optimize installed. I just deactivated it without luck. I just deactivated all plugins without luck. I have 9 virtual hosts on 1 droplet. What information do you need? Thanks!
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The error log message tells where the function is declared and re-declared. You need to check the files and to which entity they belong.
newcat1000 avatar
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The error described earlier is outdated, it came from a plugin I already have deleted. Sorry. I get this error in /var/log/apache2/error.log: AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /var/www/html/, referer:
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You should not have PHP files in your `uploads` directory. Now you need to find out why there is such a file in your `uploads` directory. Also, that isn't likely related to memcache in any way.
newcat1000 avatar
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Thanks! Here is another error: AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: [ERROR] : WP_CACHE constant is not present in wp-config.phpPHP message: [ERROR] : WP_CACHE constant is not present in wp-config.phpPHP message: [ERROR] : WP_CACHE constant is not present in wp-config.php', referer:
newcat1000 avatar
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Last error: AH01276: Cannot serve directory /var/www/html/ No matching DirectoryIndex (index.php,index.html,index.cgi,,index.xhtml,index.htm) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive, referer:
newcat1000 avatar
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There is this: <?php /** * Test file for Really Simple SSL to check if uploads directory has code execution permissions * */ echo "RSSSL CODE EXECUTION MARKER";
newcat1000 avatar
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Its from Really Simple SSL WP plugin
newcat1000 avatar
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I just deleted the file in and still get the 'You should use a persistent object cache' on WP site health.
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Did you add the caching directives for WordPress?
newcat1000 avatar
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I have tried different plugins like Object Cache, the site crashes when I enable them. I have tried to clean up wp-config.php and .htaccess without luck.
newcat1000 avatar
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