
What are the differences between the migration options for Elastic Beanstalk Multi-container Docker environments to AL2?

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We're running an Elastic Beanstalk Multi-container Docker environment on Amazon Linux 1, which has been deprecated and needs to be migrated to Amazon Linux 2.

The documentation presents two options for doing so:

As far as I understand, they recommend the first option, because the ECS platform it is more similar to the current platform on AL1.

I'm wondering, however, what the practical differences between those two options are. What even is the role of ECS in this, what advantages does it have over pure Docker?

On ECS, we deploy with a, which we generate from a docker-compose.yml with container-transform. This works, but it would be nice if we could skip that transformation. With the second option, without ECS, would it be possible to deploy a docker-compose.yml file directly?

We use a single instance, without a load-balancer (but want to keep the option open for the future).

Has anyone done this migration, with either option, and can provide some insights about the process?


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