
How to start and stop SAP instances (including databases) automatically with OS boot and shutdown, respectively?

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Running SLES15 (uses systemd), how can I make SAP instances and databases start automatically on system boot, and stop them properly on system shutdown or reboot?

One example I found is for the obsolete LSB start mechanism.

U. Windl avatar
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Maybe someone with higher reputation create a "sles15" tag, please! I had to use tag "sles12".
diya avatar
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To start a service like SAP on boot and stopping it again with SLWS 15 and systemd is not really rocket science. You just need to deploy and enable one or more *"systemd service unit"* files. See -
U. Windl avatar
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The thing is that systemd required "reasonable" (definition a matter of taste) programs, that SAP programs hardly fulfill. In short. I know what a systemd unit is, but what are the proper commands to run?
dexter avatar
ru flag
How do you start/stop/restart program, databases currently? Use it to move it to systemd. Here is a example and good start [link]( Try it and come with the results.
U. Windl avatar
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There is the obsolete `startsap`/`stopsap` that still works and the "modern" `sapcontrol` that is harder to use (mostly because it's asynchronous).

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