
How to use globbing in ssh config to connect via SSH tunnel?

cn flag

Here is the architecture from local host to ServerC1..n

I have configured ~/.ssh/config file on localhost:

### First jump host. Directly reachable
Host ServerA
    User jenny
    IdentityFile /home/admin/.ssh/serverA

### Second jumphost. Only reachable via
Host ServerB1
  HostName ServerB1
  User james
  ProxyJump ServerA
  IdentityFile /home/admin/.ssh/james

### Host only reachable via serverA and ServerB1
Host ServerC1
  HostName ServerC1
  User root
  ProxyJump ServerB1
  IdentityFile /home/admin/.ssh/ServerC1

I can directly connect to ServerC1 using ssh ServerC1 command from localhost using the config above.

The issue is that there are many ServerB's and each ServerB is connected to several ServerC's. The private keys are the same for all the Servers so that's not the issue.

From localhost, I want to connect via SSH tunnel to any of ServerC1,2,3..n

ServerA /etc/hosts has all the hostname and IPs for ServerB's and each ServerB has IPs of ServerC's in it's /etc/hosts file.

Can I use pattern matching in my localhost's ~/.ssh/config file to accomplish this? Currently I am limited to connecting ServerC1 only because I specifically specified ServerB1 and ServerC1

poige avatar
ke flag
Did you even google? Internet has tons of examples, ArchLinux' wiki is a single one to mention.
Cruise5 avatar
cn flag
This ssh config file was created using an example from google. The pattern matching is not working with multiple jump hosts. Hence, I drew a diagram to illustrate and explain the question.
Cruise5 avatar
cn flag
@poige I didn't find a single example of pattern matching related to ProxyJump in ArchLinux' wiki. I am not sure where in the wiki you are referring to.
poige avatar
ke flag
not necessarily ArchLinux, dude, google around:
Cruise5 avatar
cn flag
There is nothing about pattern matching for my use case there.
poige avatar
ke flag
Last time I checked these two weren't the only sites in internet in regards. ;-P
Cruise5 avatar
cn flag
You keep providing links and those don't have any solution to this problem. So I am not sure you are linking it. So Regards!
poige avatar
ke flag
It's trivial so I'm leaving it as an exercise to the reader. Mutual regards, indeed. ;)
my flag

After some help from reddit, the best answer to this problem is configuring the ~/.ssh/config file as follows: Assuming all of the ServerB* has same IdentityFile.

Host ServerA
    User jenny
    IdentityFile /home/admin/.ssh/serverA

Match originalhost ServerB*
    User james
    ProxyJump ServerA
    IdentityFile /home/admin/.ssh/james

And then at command-line:

ssh -J serverB1 -i /home/admin/.ssh/ServerC1 root@ServerC1

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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