
LAPS Update-AdmPwdADSchema doesn't add the attributes

cn flag

So I've installed LAPS according to THIS article. I've done this on 3 domains so far with great success but on the 4th one, for some reason, the attributes ms-Mcs-AdmPwd and ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime doesn't show up.

I've confirmed that the LAPS user is created on the servers and the software is installed but still nothing.

When I run Update-AdmPwdADSchema it says "EntryAlreadyExists" but it does not. EntryAlreadyExists

enter image description here

enter image description here

Any ideas? I'm starting to lose it...

EDIT, solution:

enter image description here

cn flag
If you check in Schema Management MMC the attribute probably does exist. You need to check that in the MMC, and also the Computer class, to see if it has been modified to use the new attributes.
cn flag
Hi @GregAskew thank you, for some reason the atributes was not added to computer objects in the schema, it works now! If you want to write it as a "official reply" I can mark it as the solution. Again thanks
cn flag

If you check in Schema Management MMC the attribute probably does exist. You need to check that in the MMC, and also the Computer class, to see if it has been modified to use the new attributes.

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