
how to check if a lustre directory has been set by chattr +P for project quota

la flag

lustre doc wrote:

To limit quota usage for a specific project ID on a specific directory ("/mnt/testfs/dir" in this example), run:

$ chattr +P /mnt/testfs/dir
$ chattr -p 1 /mnt/testfs/dir
$ lfs setquota -p 1 -b 307200 -B 309200 -i 10000 -I 11000 /mnt/testfs

but if there are already lots of existing directories and I don't know whether they have been counted into project quota, how can I check if a given dir used be set the chattr +P and which project id it is linked to?

From another side, is there any method to quickly list all directory related to a given project id?

Romeo Ninov avatar
in flag
Have you check `lsattr`?
Tintervenor avatar
la flag
```lsattr /lustre/path``` does not show any difference between project quota related dir and others. I'm not sure if it need some other option, at least -p or -P is not supported.
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