
How to point DNS CNAME to external GitHub Pages domain?

ke flag

I have repository on GitHub with GitHub Pages set up. If I go to everything works correctly. But, I would like to have my own domain name that looks better than that one.

I purchased a domain name: I created a CNAME record that points www to But if I now go to, I get GitHub's 404 screen. The same happens if I go to just

Ideally, I would like users to go to and see the content from, but it would also be acceptable if they had to go to I don't want to simply redirect them, my domain name must remain in the address bar. How do I achieve this?

(myusername, my-repo and mydomain are obviously not the real names that I used, I need to keep them private)

tripleee avatar
ar flag
Vlad Mashkautsan avatar
ke flag
@tripleee thanks, that is indeed the fix, although you should post the english version
ke flag

I fixed it by putting in the custom domain setting in the Pages section of my GitHub repository settings.

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