
HaProxy redirect to internal URL

ht flag

I have a configuration with two backend servers I need to redirect 301 to each server with an internal URL on HTTP. It's hard to use SSL because I can't install SSL on the Report Server in that configuration. Also, I can't use the virtual domain and shared IP to redirect traffic because there is some internal issue with Report Viewer when viewing reports. I just need to redirect traffic to the backend server, preferably with an internal URL, but the IP will also be ok.

At the moment I know how to do it to one specific host but not to the current server.

Configuration: Active/Passive configuration for the backend.

  1. HA-Proxy version 2.0.29-0ubuntu1

  2. Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS

  3. Keepalived v2.0.19

    frontend raporty
         bind 192.168.0..108:80
         bind ssl crt /etc/ssl/certs/haproxy.pem
         default_backend reportserver
         option forwardfor
    backend reportserver
         mode http
         balance roundrobin
         option httpchk uri /reports
         http-check  expect status 401
         http-response set-header X-Server %s
         http-request redirect  code 301  location http://sql02.domain.local%[capture.req.uri]
         server   sql01 check check fall 5
         server   sql02 check check fall 5
         http-response set-header X-Server %s
ht flag

This was managed by using the ACL and the srv_is_up parameter.

frontend raporty
        bind ssl crt  /etc/ssl/certs/haproxy.pem
        http-response set-header X-Server %s
        http-response set-header Host %s
        default_backend reportserver
        option forwardfor

backend reportserver
        mode http
        balance roundrobin
        option httpchk uri /reports
        http-check  expect status 401
        acl asql01 srv_is_up(reportserver/sql01)
        acl asql02 srv_is_up(reportserver/sql02)
        http-request set-header Host %s
        http-response set-header Host %s
        http-request redirect  code 301 location http://sql01.domain.local%[capture.req.uri]  if asql01
        http-request redirect  code 301 location http://sql02.domain.local%[capture.req.uri]  if asql02
        server   sql01  sql01.domain.local:80 check check fall 5
        server   sql02  sql02.domain.local:80 check check fall 5
        http-response set-header X-Server %s
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