
Bind9 one spf record for all zones

lc flag

I want to create one include with SPF IP address to be used from all dns zones in my server. Can you suggest me how to do it? I work on BIND9. Thank you.

la flag

There are two approaches:

  • The bind zone file syntax provides an $INCLUDE statement to "include" content/resource records from a different file into the zone.

See for example: where the zone file for the zone includes a second file /var/named/include.txt

@          IN      NS 
; services

$INCLUDE /var/named/include.txt ; absolute path
ftp        IN      A

That second file, /var/named/include.txt can then be something like:

  # when this /var/named/include.txt is included 
  # it sets up a generic SPF record for the zone

  @   IN  TXT "v=spf1 a mx ip4: -all 

  # EOF /var/named/include.txt
  • The alternative approach uses the native SPF include directive to include the SPF record values from another domain:

      "v=spf1 a mx -all 
  • A similar alternative approach uses the native SPF redirect directive to use the SPF record from another domain:


Both the native SPF methods come with their own caveats, explained here:

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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