
How can I persist the `redirect_uri` with `` instead of `http://localhost`?

cn flag

I am new to Apache Httpd server and trying to configure the reverse proxy for an external site and below is my configuration:

SSLProxyEngine on
RewriteEngine on
ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*)$$1
ProxyPassReverse ^/(.*)$$1
RewriteRule /login-callback"

When I an running httpd.exe and in browser when I am trying to browse http://localhost I can successfully proxy to the landing page of external site

Now in landing page I have login button which will redirecting it to other site correctly but in redirect_uri it's appending http://localhost/login-callback like below,

whereas It's should be

Question: How can I persist the redirect_uri with instead of http://localhost?

diya avatar
la flag
That depends on how/where the `redirect_uri` actually gets set. When it get set serverside on `` [this answer]( may offer an approach - when it gets set on `` based on a referrer header or by your client with for example a bit of java script a different approach may be needed. - But getting your development environment up and working is not considered topical for ServerFault
user584018 avatar
cn flag
@diya, Thanks for your comment. I was able to fix this issue, but ran into other issue where I need to configure 2 sites in reverse proxy, could you please give some advise on this question please,

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