Not sure where to post this?!?!?!
When using Jeremy Longs dependency-check the following error occurred today and stalled our development/CICID (jenkins slave within OTC):
$ -l depcheck.log -s ref-jpers-service/
... Finally failed connecting to Central search. Giving up after 7 tries.
DEBUG - Searching Central url
DEBUG - Could not connect to Central search (tries left: 6): Could not connect to MavenCentral (504): Gateway Time-out
Analyzing the request as found in the debug log shows a Gateway response 502 or 504 after the TLS handshake.
Its working rarely, but mostly we get response codes 502, or 504 even 400
This is from our cluster in the OTC via
But I saw this also from the DTAG network via xx.yy.zz.aa
The similar curl requests showed a message: Connection state changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS == 128)!)
So I am suspecting a DOS filter on the loadbalancer of
I have the following questions:
• In the DOS case could you please share the rules for the DOS filter so we can behave better - wait long enough etc.
• Is there any other way to resolve this kind of issue?