Server info:
OS Name: Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard
OS Version: 10.0.17763 N/A Build 17763
Original Install Date: 1/17/2020, 12:25:18 PM
Having issues installing cumulative updates. It seems to have installed defender and .NET updates fine. But can't get the current (Win 10 (1809) and Server 2019 - Cumulative Update (64-bit) January 10 2023) or previous December update to installed.
If I try it manually it fails with MSI failed with error code -2146498304.
When I try it from WSUS or Microsoft it fails with 2023-01 Cumulative Update for Windows Server 2019 for x64-based Systems (KB5022286) - Error 0x800f0900
I have tried to reset windows updates according to the below KB.
Ran the SFC /Scannow and the DISM restore health commands The restore health command fails with Error: 0x800f0954
In Googling all these error codes I'm basically chasing my tail.
Everything keeps circling around to the same thing over and over and nothing seems to work, and everything fails
The below is from the windows update log
2023/01/13 11:00:13.1374595 7128 8128 Handler CBS called Error with 0x800f0900,
2023/01/13 11:00:13.1402237 7128 8128 Handler CBS called Terminate
2023/01/13 11:00:53.9164837 7128 7556 Handler Completed install of CBS update with type=0, requiresReboot=0, installerError=1, hr=0x800f0900
2023/01/13 11:00:54.0648649 7128 7556 Handler * END * CBS Install
2023/01/13 11:00:54.6929704 3664 5204 Agent *FAILED* [8024200B] Method failed [CAgentUpdateManager::InstallUpdate:11739]
2023/01/13 11:00:54.8788666 3664 5204 Handler Loaded state: cCompleteIterations: 1, pt: SelfContainedNoExpressPayload, nNextRequestID: 1.
2023/01/13 11:00:54.9012256 3664 5204 Agent LogHistory called. idUpdate={447FF6C5-74A0-4DFD-A497-9039E898E010}.200, resultMapped=800F0900, resultUnMapped=800F0900
2023/01/13 11:00:54.9131342 3664 5204 Agent Install updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator
2023/01/13 11:00:54.9132320 2116 4776 ComApi Install ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
2023/01/13 11:00:54.9140489 2116 4776 ComApi Install call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 1, cancelled = 0, unaccounted = 0
2023/01/13 11:00:54.9143000 2116 4776 ComApi Reboot required = False
2023/01/13 11:00:54.9143085 2116 4776 ComApi Exit code = 0x00000000; Call error code = 0x80240022
2023/01/13 11:00:54.9143100 2116 4776 ComApi * END * Install ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
2023/01/13 11:00:54.9146923 3664 1652 Agent WU client calls back to install call {36B49B40-ED6B-4C7D-A74A-D2CC913B7D67} with code Call complete and error 0
2023/01/13 11:00:54.9149632 2116 6932 ComApi Install call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 1, cancelled = 0, unaccounted = 0