I am running a openVPN-Server for some time now, and it works great.
On that server I created two new certificates via easy-rsa and formed it into two config-files for two new clients, like I always do.
Then I set up a Debian11 Client, that runs in a Virtual Machine. It has a static local IP and I configured it to connect to the openVPN-Server in /etc/network/interfaces:
allow-hotplug enp0s3
iface enp0s3 inet static
openvpn ovpnconfig_5.ovpn
Of course my openvpn-config file is located in /etc/openvpn/ovpnconfig_5.ovpn.config
Everything works fine. Now I cloned the VM and started the cloned Debian from another Host in the same network. I changed /etc/hostname, the IP-Address in /etc/network/interfaces to
and the openvpn ovpnconfig_5.ovpn
to openvpn ovpnconfig_7.ovpn
, which is the other ovpn-Config I created at first. I put this other ovpn-config into /etc/openvpn/
If I only run one VM at a time, it works great.
But if both VMs are running, the SSH connection to both clients lags. Like so: when one ssh-connection is smooth, the other hangs.
I assume, I forgot to change something at the cloned VM, so the server mixes them up. But the logs at the openVPN-Server report, that both clients with different Names in the config have been connected to different IP-Adresses, etc.
Any ideas, what I am missing?