
Linux iSCSI Target MCS

ye flag

I have a Linux Server hosting an iSCSI target. The iSCSI Initiator is a Windows 10 Desktop

When connecting with the Windows 10 Machine im unable to start MCS. (Too many connections) Windows also shows me that the max allowed connections is just 1.

On the Linux server im running a plain fileio backed iSCSI Target with 2 Portal IPs. enter image description here

On the Windows Desktop I have both Portals added under the Discovery Tab.

Am I missing some setting on either end?

Update: Same issue with Windows Server 2019 even with installed MPIO Driver.

Update: Added Screenshots

Update: tried connecting 2 different clients to the same target and that worked fine.

targetcli showed 2 sessions aswell.

Update: Tried using a blockio device but still didnt work.

kz flag

You need to enable MC/S @ both sides: target AND initiator.

Please check this step-by-step guide below on how to do that.–-configuration-in-a-nutshell/

iTimo01 avatar
ye flag
I tried the steps. Sadly still no luck. On Windows 10 and Server I still can only open one connection and on Server I'm only able to open a single session on MPIO.
vn flag

Windows 10 as a client OS does not officially support iSCSI multipathing. You can use workaround from technet - , but on your own risk.

iTimo01 avatar
ye flag
You have to differentiate between MCS and MPIO. MCS is included in Windows 10 I just tried the same with MPIO driver installed on Windows Server 2019 and the same Problem. I can only open 1 Connection. Actually more questionable is that even MPIO will only use one connection to the Target.
Stuka avatar
gb flag
So you're unable to connect more than one connection even to the Windows Server? Did you try to create another target on WS and connect it to the Linux client?
iTimo01 avatar
ye flag
@Stuka My target is running on a linux server. When using MPIO on Windows server, it only opens one session. I tried connecting 2 different clients to the same target and that worked fine. targetcli showed 2 sessions aswell. I also created another blockio device but that didnt work either
iTimo01 avatar
ye flag
i installed a Windows Server 2019 with a target and it shows the same problem on a Windows 10 Client
ye flag

I finally got it working.

To get MC/S working with LIO (Linux IO) you have to set MaxConnections in your iSCSI settings file (generated when exiting targetcli)

It's located in /etc/target/saveconfig.json You will find a value of "MaxConnections": "1" and you can change it to fit your setting.

Windows now correctly reports having two available connections

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