I've recently encountered a strange script behavior and still don't understand y the array behaves this way.
Here is a piece of the script:
for nCDATAReg in $(seq 1 4)
sTestBuffer1=$(grep -Pzoi '\/\/<\!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\/\/\]\]>' $SOMEFILE | sed -rz 's/\/\/<\!\[CDATA\[\n(.*)\/\/\]\]>/\1/g' | tr -d '\0' | sed -rz 's/InsertData\(([[:digit:]]+), [[:digit:]]+, \{(.*?)\}\)\;/\1/gm' | sed "${nCDATAReg}q;d")
printf "\t\t\t\t\tDEBUG: Buffer is: $sTestBuffer1\t"
sTestBuffer2=$(grep -Pzoi '\/\/<\!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\/\/\]\]>' $SOMEFILE | sed -rz 's/\/\/<\!\[CDATA\[\n(.*)\/\/\]\]>/\1/g' | tr -d '\0' | sed -rz 's/InsertData\(([[:digit:]]+), [[:digit:]]+, \{(.*?)\}\)\;/\2/gm' | sed "${nCDATAReg}q;d")
printf "and second Buffer is: $sTestBufferS\t\n"
printf "But array now contains: (${aCDATA[0,$nCDATAReg]}) and (${aCDATA[1,$nCDATAReg]})\n"
and file content is:
InsertData(1, 1, {VALUE1});
InsertData(3, 1, {value2});
InsertData(6, 1, {vALUE3});
InsertData(91, 1, {Value4});
//]]></script> <div class="news-post news-post-style-full"
In theory and in console, its produce a list of the first digit and the content of the string in curly braces. You can see this in DEBUG printf's, the entire regex oneliner is first placed in separate variables and only then in an array cell. But if everything is correct in the variable, like 3 {value2}
, then for some reason {value2}
is assigned to the array in both cases.
Here is output
DEBUG: Buffer is: 1 and second Buffer is: VALUE1 But array now contains: (VALUE1) and (VALUE1)
DEBUG: Buffer is: 3 and second Buffer is: value2 But array now contains: (value2) and (value2)
DEBUG: Buffer is: 6 and second Buffer is: vALUE3 But array now contains: (vALUE3) and (vALUE3)
DEBUG: Buffer is: 91 and second Buffer is: Value4 But array now contains: (Value4) and (Value4)
What am I missing here? (besides the obvious poor knowledge of bash)