
How do you disable hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling via the command line in Windows 10/11?

cn flag

I need to disable, programmatically, hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling in Windows if it's enabled.

UI settings for HW-accelerated GPU scheduling

Searching, I was pointed at the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers - HwSchMode regkey. This is 2 when HW GPU scheduling is enabled and 1 after disabling via the settings UI.

I've tried just setting this regkey to 1 and rebooting, but while this key remains changed after reboot, HW accelerated GPU scheduling is still enabled.

Is there any other method to disable this that isn't the UI?

Thanks in advance!

cn flag

So I was using REG_SZ instead of REG_DWORD when setting the value. Once I changed my code to use this instead, everything started working as expected.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Stuka avatar
gb flag
Cool, will save it to my bookmarks, have a good one :)

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