
Does QGIS actually need X-Server/xvfb?

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I'm new to QGIS and stumbled about this question while playing around with the QGIS Server configuration.

The QGIS Server installation guide says:

QGIS Server needs a running X Server to be fully usable, in particular for printing.

...but I can use the GetPrint option just fine to get PDF/PNG/SVG without x Server or xvfb installed on an Ubuntu Server 22.04 machine.

Is the guide just outdated or am I missing something (is GetPrint what they mean by printing, is there something like X Server pre-installed)?

  • OS: Ubuntu Server 22.04.1 LTS
  • QGIS Server: 3.28.2-Firenze (via apt from
  • additional plugins: lizmap-server 1.3.1 (via the pip3 qgis-plugin-manager)
  • Web Server: nginx 1.18.0

Running ps -e | grep x returns only nginx and ext4-rsv-conver.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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