
PHP-FPM ERROR: [/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf:xxx] unknown entry 'process_control_timeout'

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I have a LAMP stack with Amazon Linux 2, Apache 2.4, and PHP-FPM for PHP 8.1 and I'm trying to set the value for process_control_timeout in my PHP-FPM config

I added process_control_timeout=50s to the bottom of the file /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf but on reloading PHP-FPM it fails and the status contains the error

ERROR: [/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf:xxx] unknown entry 'process_control_timeout'

According to the PHP-FPM docs, process_control_timeout is a valid option, and the mentioned config file /etc/php-fpm.conf includes /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf

How do I set this value correctly?

in flag
Please add your config file. `process_control_timeout` is a global option and probably in the wrong section.
Arth avatar
gb flag
@GeraldSchneider Thanks! You are correct, I have added an answer
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As pointed out by @GeraldSchneider in a comment, process_control_timeout is a global option and belongs under the [global] section

The [global] section was already defined in my /etc/php-fpm.conf file and adding process_control_timeout=50s there works as expected

By adding it to the bottom of /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf I was inadvertently adding it to the pool definition for [www], which is what caused the error


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