
Create a BPF rule to only allow openvpn traffic to destination port 1194 and drop all other traffic including all other udp traffic

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I am trying to create either an iptable or a BPF rule which will only allow Openvpn traffic over udp to my vpn server on destination port 1194 in the hopes of preventing ddos attacks to that port whilst still being able to connect to it. I would normally implement a simple whitelist of me and my friends' ips however one of them has a dynamic ip which changes very regularly so constantly updating my firewall to allow traffic from his ip would be somewhat annoying aha. If it could also only allow windows users to connect that would be great as well as me and my two buddies run windows and this would be one more parameter the traffic has to match in order to be accepted. Any help in creating this rule would be greatly appreciated as my cheap little personal vpn for some reason has been ddosed over 5 times this week while my friends and I play GTA - perhaps thats the reason! Thanks in advance to anyone who can chime in here!


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