
Extend RAID volume size with storcli

ve flag

I have RAID1 on 2*240GB HDD , witch i changed with 480GB SSD's. I changed disk 1 , wait for RAID to rebuild, and then change the other. Now I have 240GB RAID over 480GB disks, and cant find a way to extend the volume , so I can use all the space.

 .\storcli64.exe /c0/d0 show
CLI Version = 007.1704.0000.0000 Jan 16, 2021
Operating system = Windows Server 2008 R2
Controller = 0
Status = Success
Description = Show Drive Group Succeeded



|DG| Arr| Row| EID:Slot| DID| Type | State| BT|       Size| PDC|  PI| SED| DS3 | FSpace| TR|
| 0| -  | -  | -       | -  | RAID1| Optl | N | 232.830 GB| dflt| N | N  | none| N     | N |
| 0| 0  | -  | -       | -  | RAID1| Optl | N | 232.830 GB| dflt| N | N  | none| N     | N |
| 0| 0  | 0  | 252:0   | 0  | DRIVE| Onln | N | 446.102 GB| dflt| N | N  | none| -     | N |
| 0| 0  | 1  | 252:1   | 2  | DRIVE| Onln | N | 446.102 GB| dflt| N | N  | none| -     | N |

DG=Disk Group Index|Arr=Array Index|Row=Row Index|EID=Enclosure Device ID
DID=Device ID|Type=Drive Type|Onln=Online|Rbld=Rebuild|Optl=Optimal|Dgrd=Degraded
Pdgd=Partially degraded|Offln=Offline|BT=Background Task Active
PDC=PD Cache|PI=Protection Info|SED=Self Encrypting Drive|Frgn=Foreign
DS3=Dimmer Switch 3|dflt=Default|Msng=Missing|FSpace=Free Space Present
TR=Transport Ready

Drive Information :

|EID:Slt| DID | State| DG |      Size| Intf|Med| SED |PI| SeSz| Model               | Sp|Type|
|:------|:--- |:-----|:---|:---------|:----|:--|:----|: |:----|:--------------------|:--|:---|
|252:0  |   0 | Onln |  0 |446.102 GB|SATA |SSD| N   |N | 512B| SAMSUNG MZ7L3480HCHQ| U | -  |
|252:1  |   2 | Onln |  0 |446.102 GB|SATA |SSD| N   |N | 512B| SAMSUNG MZ7L3480HCHQ| U | -  |

[Drive Information][2]

[Disk Management][3]

Can anyone guide me what tool to use for the purpose

ve flag

I figured it out. Will post here just for someone who try something like this.

User manual

Virtual Drive Expansion Commands The StorCLI utility supports the following commands for virtual drive expansion:

storcli /cx/vx expand size=<value> [expandarray]

storcli /cx/vx|vall show expansion 

The detailed description for each command follows.

storcli /cx/vx expand size=<value> [expandarray]

This command expands the virtual drive within the existing array or if you replace the drives with drives larger than the size of the existing array. Although the value provided might be in MB, the value of the expanded size is displayed based on the nearest possible unit. Depending on the input (value) provided by you, storcli recognizes the size from the input provided by you and rounds up the size to the nearest percentage of free space remaining on the drive group; hence, the actual expanded size can differ from the size requested by you. If the expandarray option is specified, the existing array is expanded. If this option is not specified, the virtual drive is expanded.

storcli /cx/vx show expansion

This command shows the expansion information on the virtual drive with and without array expansion. Input example: storcli /c0/v0 show expansion

Windows> .\storcli64.exe /c0/v0 show expansion


VD       Size OCE NoArrExp   WithArrExp Status
 0 232.830 GB Y   -          213.272 GB -

So I have 213 GB free, and will use 190 of them ( the value provided might be in MB)

.\storcli64.exe /c0/v0 expand size=190000 expandarray

CLI Version = 007.1704.0000.0000 Jan 16, 2021
Operating system = Windows Server 2008 R2
Controller = 0
Status = Success
Description = expansion operation succeeded


VD       Size FreSpc     ReqSize    AbsUsrSz   %FreSpc NewSize    Status
 0 232.830 GB 213.272 GB 185.546 GB 185.546 GB      87 418.376 GB -

VD=Virtual Drive/Logical Drive | Size - Current VD size | FreSpc - Freespace available before expansion
ReqSize - Requested Size | %FreSpc - Requested expansion size in % of available free space
AbsUsrSz - User size rounded to nearest % | NoArrExp - Without Array Expansion

and just to check results again

\Windows> .\storcli64.exe /c0/v0 show expansion


VD       Size OCE NoArrExp WithArrExp Status
 0 418.376 GB N   -        -          -

OCE - Online Capacity Expansion | WithArrExp - With Array Expansion
 VD=Virtual Drive | NoArrExp - Without Array Expansion
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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