
Use more CPU cores using code in PyTorch that also uses GPU

ms flag

I'm trying to successfully run code in PyTorch that uses DataLoader. It is possible to configure the DataLoader to load data using several processes (which speeds up data loading a lot), via the use of the num_workers argument, configuring it with a positive number (

I can get the desired result by setting num_workers to a number well above 0, for example to use multiple load processes if I adapt my code to not use GPU, i.e. several CPU cores are used normally, each one working in a process, but if I adapt my code to use GPU, if I set num_workers to a value greater than 0, only 1 CPU core is used, which is linked to a single process (main) which is left with 100% kernel utilization and the program does not progress in its execution. Regarding the Slurm script, I configure it to use 1 node, 1 task, and x cpus per task, x being the value I configure for num_workers (as per instructions on this page - - section "Data Loading using Multiple CPU-cores").

I've done many tests, but I can't solve this. The section "Single-process data loading (default)" -, immediately preceding the section of the page that appears in the link that I passed above from the PyTorch website mentions that resource(s) used to share data between processes (e.g. shared memory, file descriptors) may be limited which would preclude using num_workers > 0 properly, so would that be the case? If so, would there be any configuration I should do in the Slurm script or in my code? Although I think it wouldn't make sense for a situation like this to occur, since by adapting my code to not use the GPU I don't have any problems using num_workers with a value > 0. Thanks in advance to your attention!

Richard avatar
kr flag
Did you figure this out? I'm using a GPU and have `num_workers=7`, but only 2 CPU cores are being utilized (out of 8 cores).
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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