
How to allow VPN traffic to a Docker Container

io flag

I have the following:

                                            Docker Host (public IP
(1) Client (IP <--> (2) OpenVPN in a Container (public IP, port 1194)
                             (3) App in a Container (public IP, port 1234)

So, from my phone, I want to connect to my OpenVPN server as a client and after that, I want to connect to my app (e.g. Nextcloud). Probably this is a firewall issue. I want to block all traffic except the one that is coming from the VPN. I tried different rules and ways to figure it out what I need to do. So far, I didn't arrive at a solution.

This will block the traffic to the app:

-A DOCKER-USER -p tcp --dport 1234 -j DROP

This will allow it to work:

-A DOCKER-USER -p tcp -s --dport 1234 -j ACCEPT

The rule that works for me is not good because I have to add each client's source IP. As far as I know, all the traffic is routed through the VPN (e.g. the public IP changes after I connect to it).

Any help is appreciated.

pt flag

Why not just allow traffic from the OpenVPN server itself? Basically you are wanting to set up your VPN server as a middleman.

So instead of,

-A DOCKER-USER -p tcp -s --dport 1234 -j ACCEPT


-A DOCKER-USER -p tcp -s [VPN_IPv4_ADDRESS] --dport 1234 -j ACCEPT
Mars avatar
io flag
That doesn't work, unfortunately, I tried. Using TCPDump it seems that the traffic from the client is interpreted by the Docker Host as having the source IP instead of [VPN_IPv4_ADDRESS].
mortal36 avatar
pt flag
[VPN_IPv4_ADDRESS] would be the IP address of the machine your VPN is on.
mortal36 avatar
pt flag
@Mars you can get the IP address of the VPN host by running `ip addr show` on the VPN host (assuming it's Linux-based).
Mars avatar
io flag
I tried with the public IP address of the Docker Host (same public IP also for the VPN server). It is Linux-based. `ip addr show` will present a lot of interfaces, I will add bellow some of them that might be related: - eno1, -> IP from my router | - docker0, -> Docker interface | - br-38fd1e596448, -> interface for my OpenVPN Container | With what IP you are suggesting me to try?
mortal36 avatar
pt flag
Try the router IP and then try the OpenVPN IP. If neither work, then I will have to revise my answer.
Mars avatar
io flag
Thanks for the input. It seems that it is working with the OpenVPN private IP / 24. I probably have to figure out how to get this IP dynamically.
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