Below is my ansible role > defaults/main.yaml
$cat roles/logrotate/defaults/main.yml
logrotate_conf_dir: "/etc/logrotate.d/"
- name: test
log_dir: '/var/log/test'
log_extension: 'log'
- rotate 7
- weekly
- size 10M
- missingok
- compress
- create 0644 test test
postrotate: "echo test >> /var/log/test.log"
and my task/main.yaml has
$ cat roles/logrotate/tasks/main.yaml
# tasks file for nginx
- name: Setup logrotate scripts
src: logrotate.d.j2
dest: "{{ logrotate_conf_dir }}{{ }}"
with_items: "{{ logrotate_scripts }}"
when: logrotate_scripts is defined
Getting the below error while running this simple playbook:
TASK [logrotate : Setup logrotate scripts] *******************************************************************************************************
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: ansible.errors.AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'dict object' has no attribute 'iteritems'
failed: [] (item={'name': 'test', 'log_dir': '/var/log/test', 'log_extension': 'log', 'options': ['rotate 7', 'weekly', 'size 10M', 'missingok', 'compress', 'create 0644 test test'], 'scripts': {'postrotate': 'echo test >> /var/log/test.log'}}) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": {"log_dir": "/var/log/test", "log_extension": "log", "name": "test", "options": ["rotate 7", "weekly", "size 10M", "missingok", "compress", "create 0644 test test"], "scripts": {"postrotate": "echo test >> /var/log/test.log"}}, "msg": "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'dict object' has no attribute 'iteritems'"}