
How to disable ssl_request log on Apache?

in flag

Our internal Apache instance on a Windows server is regularly filling up the disk with C:\Apache24\logs\ssl_request.log.yyyy-MM-dd.log logs.

They seem to be rotated, although their sizes vary (200 - 700MB).

I see no value in these logs for this internal server. Can I disable them?

I found no entry in the httpd.conf - only for the error and access logs.

pk flag

you might need to check the extra/*.conf files (most likely httpd-ssl.conf). I'd suggest you just ripgrep your way through your C:\Apache24\conf and search for CustomLog

Martin avatar
in flag
Config is found in `conf\extra\httpd-ahssl.conf` and `conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf`. Not sure which one is right. The one in ssl has no logrotate configured, and the one in ahssl has 100M logrotate which doesn't match the files either.
Martin avatar
in flag
OK: Found it: httpd-ahssl.conf is referenced in httpd.conf and seems to be the active one.
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