
What is the correct way to enable HTTPS on apache httpd VirtualHost, given a .pem file and a .key file?

mx flag

I need to get https enabled on a webserver (RHEL 7.9, httpd 2.4.6). We were provided a pem file, with the following format:


and a .key file


I've seen guides and tutorials online (for tomcat) that we need to use the keytool command to import the certificates such as

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ALIAS -file file.crt -keystore key.jks

However, I've found none that addresses when the certificate and key are in .pem and .key formats. For example, I used the following command:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias mysite -file mysite.pem -keystore mysite.key

and it gives an error: keytool error: Invalid keystore format

On the configuration side, I have the following:

<VirtualHost <ip>:443>
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/home/admin/mysite.pem
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/home/admin/mysite.key
    SSLEngine on

Which gives an error when running the httpd.service:

Invalid command 'SSLCertificateFile', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

What would be the correct steps to take when enabling https on apache httpd 2.4.6?

raj avatar
ye flag
The error message quoted at the end indicates that you probably don't have the mod_ssl module enabled in your Apache configuration. After you enable it, `SSLCertificateFile` and other SSL-related configuration directives should be accepted. I don't understand the purpose of whole `keytool` related stuff you quoted, it should be enough just to put the `.pem` and `.key` files into locations specified in your config file.
pt flag
`keytool` has nothing to do with Apache. It's a tool used to manage certificates in the Java ecosystem.

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