
AWS IAM: deny users from creating policies on specific resources

cn flag

I want to be able to give my admin users the permission to create policies in IAM, but I want to make sure that they aren't able to create a policy that affects a specific resource.

To be more specific, these admin users are currently in a user group with a policy that gives them full S3 access except for a specific S3 bucket (in this case, it's a bucket that contains CloudTrail logs). They are also in another user group that gives them full access to IAM, which means it would be easy enough for them to create/edit this S3 policy to give themselves access to that bucket again. Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do, or perhaps a better way to set this up?

palvarez avatar
ki flag
Are you by any chance using AWS Organizations?
Jamie Forrest avatar
cn flag
Yes, we do use AWS Organizations.
ki flag

With AWS Organizations you can use Service Control Policies to deny access to services and resources. Considering you have a specific role or users that need access to your bucket you can except them of this deny. The SCP would look something like this:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "DenyCloudtrailBucket",
            "Effect": "Deny",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Condition": {
                "ArnNotLike": {
                    "aws:PrincipalArn": [

Here the docs on how to create SCPs:

Jamie Forrest avatar
cn flag
But, couldn't a user who has full IAM access just remove this policy from themselves?
palvarez avatar
ki flag
SCP is not an IAM policy, is part of Organizations. You can avoid them giving themselves access to organizations by having another SCP.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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