
i am root but ufw status says 'command not found'

ug flag

as simple user, first I pass root with command :


I am now root on Debian 10 buster.

When I hit ufw status, I have 'command not found'. But it works with sudo ufw status

When I use su -, the command is ok.

Can someone explain me this problem / this difference between su and su - and why the command is not found even if I am root in the first case ?

in flag

Simple answer is with - you can export path env variables etc. but not with only su, Kindly refer this page.

   -, -l, --login
       Start the shell as a login shell with an environment similar
       to a real login:

       •   clears all the environment variables except TERM and
           variables specified by --whitelist-environment

       •   initializes the environment variables HOME, SHELL, USER,
           LOGNAME, and PATH

       •   changes to the target user’s home directory

       •   sets argv[0] of the shell to '-' in order to make the
           shell a login shell
rach avatar
ug flag
Thank you. This is the exact answer.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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