
Nginx custom 301 rewrite

be flag

I am struggling to find how to write this scenario 301 redirect to nginx:


to be converted


Actually I need to add "en_us" just after mydomain and just before my dynamic urls

What I tried is this:

location /
             rewrite ^(/.*)/ $1/en_us/$ last;

But no luck

Any help please?

sv flag
What have you tried so far?
G. G. avatar
be flag
@PothiKalimuthu I updated the question
us flag
Please add output of `nginx -T` to the question. Please also add what does "no luck" mean. What command did you try, what was the expected result and what was the actual result?
sv flag
@G.G. A similar question and solution is provided at . Good luck!
be flag

Fixed with this:

rewrite "^/(?!admin|en_us|stripe)(.*)" /en_us/$1 permanent;

Inside ()

you can put whatever word contained in url which needs to be excluded.

Also if you use nginx as proxy don't forget to use:

port_in_redirect off;

So the port won't transfered in the redirect

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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