I'm having a simple app that I've been experimenting with to learn aws. I first created a http version of a docker image pushed to ecr, ecs using it to create services, and tasks, application load balancing with blue green deployment controlled by codedeploy, and auto-scaling.
The http version worked fine, health checks are passing, no issues.
Now I created the same app with https, with certificate assigned, but the same app fails health checks.
I modified the security group to receive all requests for testing purposes, and assigned a domain through route53 to the load balancer.
I get 502 bad gateway back.
I don't know if it's related to the health checks failing (I guess the load balancer just calls the IP of the container directly), but I have no idea how to debug that, couldn't find a way to find out why the health checks are failing.
But now that I'm trying to access the health check, it throws 502, and when I check the load balancer logs, it shows this (I modified the log to make it more readable):
type https
time 2023-02-10T14:37:00.099726Z
elb app/myapp-load-balancer-staging/c6aabdb240600ca8
client:port myip:38255
target:port targetip:3000
request_processing_time -1
target_processing_time -1
response_processing_time -1
elb_status_code 502
target_status_code -
received_bytes 360
sent_bytes 277
"request" "GET https://api.myapp.com:3000/rest/health HTTP/1.1"
"user_agent" "PostmanRuntime/7.29.0"
ssl_cipher <some text>-SHA256
ssl_protocol TLSv1.2
target_group_arn arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-west-1:myaccountnumber:targetgroup/myapp-blue-target-staging/id
"trace_id" "Root=1-63e6568c-7c78be0f1e967e59370fbb80"
"domain_name" "api.myapp.com"
"chosen_cert_arn" "arn:aws:acm:eu-west-1:myaccountnumber:certificate/certid"
matched_rule_priority 0
request_creation_time 2023-02-10T14:37:00.096000Z
"actions_executed" "forward"
"redirect_url" "-"
"error_reason" "-"
"target:port_list" ""
"target_status_code_list" "-"
"classification" "Ambiguous"
"classification_reason" "UndefinedContentLengthSemantics"
This is when I tried to call the endpoint.
The ports match everywhere (3000), the type is HTTPS everywhere, the certs are matching, I have no idea what's wrong, and ran out of ideas about how I could debug this problem.