
Rainmeter doesn't show disk performance for disk arrays, but performance monitor does

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RainMeter is making me scratch my head. My understanding is that to make any kind of meter for any purpose, one needs to use the same Category/Counter as are selectable in Performance Meter (perfmon)

If I create an array, for example either microsoft's built in striping, or Intel's RST to create a RAID5, then create a LogicalDisk/%Disk Time counter in perfmon I see the activity I expect, up to 100% when throwing big lumps of data to/from the array. RainMeter however shows consistently 0% activity.

So RainMeter and PerfMon are showing completely different outputs, despite being asked to show activity on the same Category/Counter.

For reference, If I use the same counter to make a performance meter for standalone disks, this works fine in RainMeter and perfmon.

I can make it show activity on a specific disk, using the PhysicalDisk category, but that's not really what I want, I want to see performance on the logical drive.

I'm using (cribbing) this codeblock from the Win10Widgets skin.

; Returns scaled % of time the disk is processing read or write requests.
Counter="% Disk Time"
OnUpdateAction=[!UpdateMeasure MeasureDiskScale]

; Returns scaled down [MeasureDisk] measurement that represents the percent of time the given disk is processing read or write requests.
Formula=(MeasureDisk < 100 ? MeasureDisk : 100)
OnUpdateAction=[!UpdateMeter Graph3][!UpdateMeter GraphBackground3][!UpdateMeter Value3]

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