
rndc Zone transfer completed but where is the hosts file?

in flag

Good day

When I run the following command from slave

 rndc retransfer 

(or rndc addzone '{ type slave; masters { masterip; }; };') before it was created

the log returns:

 received control channel command 'retransfer'
 zone Transfer started.
 transfer of '' from masterip#53: connected using myslaveip #55162
 zone transferred serial 2023021400: TSIG 'rndc-key'
 transfer of '' from masterip#53: Transfer completed: 1 messages, 7 records, 303 bytes, 0.114 secs (2657 bytes/sec)
 zone sending notifies (serial 2023021400)`

however is not created /var/named/slaves nor is the zone entry created in /etc/named.conf

if i delete all files in /var/named/slaves and restart named server it does download all the files from the master. but only if they are specified in /etc/named.conf

I did read Bind, force zone update on slave

same problem here but no anwer

thank you in advance

Zareh Kasparian avatar
us flag
you need to add the name of your domain name into the secondary named.conf file. then the contents will be transferred
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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