
How do I expose my WebAPI using NodePort (or other method) so that the public net can hit it?

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I am trying to host a WebApi on K8s using deployments and service. I want my API to be publicly accessible from the public net using the Public IP of the node. I have this cluster on a Cloud provider’s VM. Like bare metal but on cloud VMs. I have used Kubeadm to bootstrap this cluster.

I am able to access the API from inside the vnet (virtual network) using node port type. My API listens on 80.

Here are the YAML snippets:


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: <api>-deployment
    app: <api>
  replicas: 1
      app: <api>
        app: <api>
      - name: <api>
        image: <api_image>
        - containerPort: 80


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: <api>
    app: <api>
  type: NodePort
  - name: http
    protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: 80
    nodePort: 30000
    app: <api>

The issue is that I can only access my API from my local vnet i.e. using the private IP address from other VMs inside the vnet. (I have already whitelisted port 30000 from my network security group so that it allows)

I hosted the same solution on IIS and opened up ports in my VM, configured security group rules on my cloud provider and and then pinged the public IP (public IP mentioned on the cloud provider’s portal) of that VM and it worked without a problem. I am trying to do the same here.

Should I be using NodePort ? Is there any other way that is quick and simple ? I just want my API to publicly accessible from public net i.e. accessible with one singular IP address (logically the node’s public IP address that is displayed on my cloud provider’s portal of the VM) without using extra cloud provider related Load Balancers.

I know Ingres exists but how does this solve my problem here ? My API is already accessible, just not outside the vnet. What exactly is going wrong here ?

(Even though I want expose the API to public, it’ll mainly be used by other systems not humans) (I am new to k8s)


Adil Abdul Rahman avatar
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I found the underlying cause of the issue. It was accessible from the public net the whole time but my separate work VM that I was working on had that port likely blacklisted which is why I wasn't able to access it.

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