i want to run a publicly accessible Rust server on a windows machine behind some routers and firewalls. the idea is tunneling the local server ports to a public machine where they are accessable: rust server on windows behind firewalls <- putty tunnel -> linux with no firewalls <- rust client somewhere on a PC
the rust server runs on port 28015. all works fine locally "client.connect localhost 28015". locally there is also tcp port 28016 for rcon, and i think some magic on udp 28015 - i'm not sure if that is really needed.
with putty i have created a tunnels from windows to the remote linux machine: R28015, R28016 i can test them using telnet localhost 28015 and telnet localhost 28016. i do NOT get connection refused, so i think the tunnel works. right? i changed the settings in SSHD config, so that also telnet linuxhostname 28015 works.
sadly, it is not possible to connect with the rust client "client.connect linuxhostname 28015". i get timeout.
maybe rust needs the UDP as well. so i try to use socat to get UDP through the TCP tunnel.
i set up another putty tunnel: R50053 and used socat to
a) on windows map udp 28015 to tcp 50053 locally command: socat udp-listen:28015,reuseaddr,bind=,fork tcp:
b) on linux map tcp 50053 to udp 28015 command: socat tcp4-listen:50053,reuseaddr,fork,bind= UDP:
at least that was the plan. after some testing, i'm stuck at a point where i get an error message on linux side: socat[954671] E bind(5, {AF=2}, 16): Address already in use.
what's wrong? the whole idea or just the use (config) of socat?