Context: I am trying to set up Postgres RDS in a private_isolated subnet of a VPC. I want to use pgAdmin to do work on it, which means I either need a bastion or a VPN connection. A bastion requires a long-running EC2 instance, and I currently don't have any EC2 running at all. I would like to set up the VPN connection as that seems more to-the-point. We don't have AD or a SAML provider though - we have IAM users and SSO for starting an AWS session. UPDATE: I've realized that IAM can be used at the RDS level to allow session logins. So that covers at least a related issue.
Client VPN seems to be typically set up using AD or a SAML provider, or manually with mutual authentication using manually created certificates. The former options seem overkill - we are a tiny company and don't need AD or a separate SAML provider. Whereas the manual certificates on the other hand seem prone to human error as there is a lot required to set up the CA or to have each user upload a client certificate.
I am a n00b at sysadmin stuff. Is there a reason I can't use IAM SSO to create a secret that allows me VPN access for an hour, exactly how I do it for logging into the Management Console or using the CLI? Is this doable with the SAML option? Am I asking the wrong questions?