
Tagging behavior in a playbook with a role which contains an "include_role" task

bf flag

Having this structure:


    - hosts: localhost
              - name: genrole
                   - genrole_tag # tagging is needed, since other roles may be present just below current one

Major Role[roles/genrole/tasks/main.yml]

        - debug:
            msg: 'This is task 1'
          tags: task1
        - import_role:
                 name: role1
        - debug: 
            msg: "After import, before include"
          tags: always
        - include_role:
            name: role1           
        - debug: 
            msg: "After basic include, before include with apply"
          tags: always
        - include_role:
            name: role1
              tags: role1
          tags: role1

Role1's main.yml (loaded via include_role|import_role)[roles/role1/tasks/main.yml]:

- debug:
    msg: 'This is task 12'
  tags: task12
- debug:
    msg: 'This is task 13'
  tags: task13
- include:  include_task.yml

Role1's include_task.yml[roles/role1/tasks/include_task.yml]:

    - debug:
        msg: 'This is task 15'
      tags: task15
    - debug:
        msg: 'This is task 16'
      tags: task16


If I'd run ansible using inner tags, things are behaving as expected(e.g.: only 12, 15 printed out):

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory debug2/play2.yml --tags task12,task15 | grep msg
    "msg": "This is task 12"
    "msg": "This is task 15"
    "msg": "After import, before include"
    "msg": "After basic include, before include with apply"

But, if I'd use the most general tag(genrole_tag), it acts like a wildcard tag, enabling all inner tasks:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory debug2/play2.yml --tags task12,task15,genrole_tag | grep msg
    "msg": "This is task 1"
    "msg": "This is task 12"
    "msg": "This is task 13"
    "msg": "This is task 15"
    "msg": "This is task 16"
    "msg": "After import, before include"
    "msg": "This is task 12"
    "msg": "This is task 13"
    "msg": "This is task 15"
    "msg": "This is task 16"
    "msg": "After basic include, before include with apply"
    "msg": "This is task 12"
    "msg": "This is task 13"
    "msg": "This is task 15"
    "msg": "This is task 16"


How could I execute only the tasks tagged with specified tags in CLI(e.g. task12, task15), which are part of the roles tagged with specified tags(e.g. genrole_tag)

U880D avatar
ca flag
As I understand your example and structure and the related documentation [Adding tags to includes]( it is working as expected. I myself would change the structure to achieve the desired goal.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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