
How to manage app versions with AWS ElasticBeanstalk Docker platform

in flag

So I have successfully launched an app and an environment in AWS ElasticBeanstalk, using private image repository. I can build and push new versions of my app to the repository, and then run eb deploy to have it pull and update the EC2 instances. Great!

But how can I manage versions? What if I want to rollback to some previous version of the app? In the current setup there's only really one image in the repo someapp:latest. This is also how it's specified in the docker-compose.yml.

Now the eb cli and the web console allow me to deploy previous version of the app, to an environment.

Now but wouldn't this just pull the someapp:latest from my private image repo and deploy that?

Should I start version tagging the images I push, and modify the docker-compose.yml file with every new version? Seems a little rough.

palvarez avatar
ki flag
You could push a previous image with the `latest` tag.
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