
Have unbound forwarding requests for all clients, except for a single one where it should recurse itself

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I use unbound as caching and forwarding name server for my local network. That means that all requests which cannot be answered out of the cache are forwarded to an "upstream name server" – which is not exclusively mine. Some services have per-IP limits, e.g. RBL/DNSBL services, so my problem is that the local SpamAssassin often hits URIBL_BLOCKED and similar. Hence I'd like unbound to recurse itself for a given source IP (i.e. the one where SA does the look-ups) – for all other clients, the "upstream name-servers" should be used as it is now.

How can that be achieved?

  • Can I exclude clients in forward-zone: somehow?
  • Or would I need to configure a separate forward-zone with the name set to the client's IP (or name) and just no forward-addr (or a dummy one plus forward-first) inside? But if I understood correctly, name specifies the target network whose names should be resolved – not the clients lookups shall be performed for.
  • So maybe something with ACLs and VIEWs? But I found nothing like that in the unbound.conf man page (access-control-view yes – but then the man page doesn't mention any forward stuff to be used inside a view)

So what did I miss? Is it possible at all?


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