
How can I create an nginx reverse proxy that passes through all traffic for all domains?

cn flag

I want to make it possible to pass all traffic regardless of hostname or domain through the nginx server.

I either want to be able to do something like this: http://mynginx/domain.I.want.somehost/url/params/this/host. And then have nginx forward the request to http://domain.I.want.somehost/url/params/this/host.

Or make it possible to hit the server and specify a host header. So a request to http://mynginx/url/params/this/host with HOST header set to domain.I.want.somehost would forward traffic to http://domain.I.want.somehost/url/params/this/host.

I'm having a hard time finding examples of how to do this.

Before doing any URL rewriting I tried to just pass all traffic through like this:

server {
     listen  80 default_server;
     listen  443 default_server;

        location / {
           proxy_pass https://$http_host;
           proxy_set_header Host $http_host;


When I run curl --header 'Host:' I get a 502 bad gateway error.

This endpoint is accessible though: curl ''

djdomi avatar
za flag
you need to specify the target as a native ip and send the domain as a extra Header usually
cn flag
Are there any examples of a complete configuration that does what I'm trying to do? I could not find any examples for proxying all traffic and making it possible to dynamically specify the downstream host.
JoelCrypto avatar
th flag
`proxy_pass $scheme://$host$request_uri`

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