
Using vault password with ansible-runner

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I am looking for a way to use ansible-vault password required to run a playbook ran with ansible-runner. I did find some doc and advices like this one (which is a pretty old post and I am not quite sure that I can rely on what's advised here) or this one (which is newer but do not provide a consistent answer), but I do not manage to replicate these behaviors.

I also tried the following things :

  • to use a password file listed in ansible.cfg file under the parameter vault_identity_list
  • to put this config file at the root of my ansible-runner directory, or inside /project directory.
Zeitounator avatar
fr flag
Where is the config/code of what you have tried (i.e. [edit] your question to add it). What was the the exact result you got (i.e. [edit] and add an example run/error/etc...)? Where are you still stuck? Configuring a correctly crafted vault_identity_list with the relevant files/script to call for each ID should pretty much meet your requirement.
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