
no connection and cgroup error on standalone kubelet with containerd on ubuntu

ms flag

I am trying to setup kubelet component as standalone service from kubernetes page, though it seems I am missing something.

I've configured the containerd + runc (according to steps) with:

$ mkdir -p /etc/containerd/
$ containerd config default | tee /etc/containerd/config.toml
$ sed 's/SystemdCgroup.*/SystemdCgroup = true/' -i /etc/containerd/config.toml 

to enable runc according to:

    SystemdCgroup = true

though, It seems something is missing, because I keep getting the error:

Feb 28 12:29:45 ip-200-115-0-5 kubelet[1854442]: E0228 12:29:45.986417 1854442 cri_stats_provider.go:455] "Failed to get the info of the filesystem with mountpoint" err="unable to find data in memory cache" mountpoint="/var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlayfs"

The second problem, is that I can't seem to access internet from within pod. I've started kubelet with command:

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/kubelet \
            --config=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet-config.yaml \
            --resolv-conf=/etc/resolv.conf \
            --pod-cidr= \
            --cluster-domain=cluster.local \
            --cluster-dns= \
            --cgroup-driver=systemd \
            --fail-swap-on=false \
            --pod-manifest-path=/etc/kubernetes/manifests \
            --container-runtime=remote \
            --container-runtime-endpoint=unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock \
            --runtime-request-timeout=10m \
            --network-plugin=cni \
            --cni-conf-dir=/etc/cni/ \

For the versions, I am using:

  • containerd 1.6.19
  • runc 1.1.4
  • kubelet 1.23.16
  • ubuntu 20.04

Any tips?


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