
Where to put files into my Ubuntu server so I can access them publicly from a web browser?

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Sorry if this is a very dumb question, but I'm totally new to server administration. I already know how to add files to a web hosting solution through FTP/SFTP, however I have no idea how I can do this with a server.

I just got access to an Ubuntu server, successfully connected to it with SSH and also sent a file there with SCP.

However, I have no idea how I can publicly access the files that I add to my server.

For example, I haved added a test.txt file to my server in the /home directory, and now I would like to be able to access it, but I'm absolutely lost about what to do now. I tried accessing http://{my_server_ip}/home/test.txt from my web browser, but with no chance.

What should I do here?

Thank you for your help

gq flag

To display you files on a webpage what you would like to do if you try to access http://{my_server_ip}/home/test.txt you need to have an application that serves that webpage.

One of the common applications doing this are apache2 or ngnix.

Ubuntu has a tutorial how to setup apache2 to serve you an webpage:

Another Dude avatar
ng flag
Thank you, I did that and it works fine.

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