
powerdns migration from old custom version

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This is my first question on serverfault, so please bear with me.

At my work we've currently have a custom webgui that uses ruby on rails to enter DNS records into the custom powerdns database. The naming convention of the tables is different than the normal database schema. The version of Powerdns on this server is old (3.0). This server is the master for a bunch of slave name servers. These slave servers are all 4.2 or higher.

As I want to get rid of this ancient webgui/server, it's my goal to create a new up to date master server. But since DNS is such big thing in our company I would like to migrate in steps.

My main question is if PowerDNS is capable of being a master and a slave at the same time? Let me explain why.

During the migration, I would like to install the new master as a slave to the old server. So it will receive all the domains. And I would also like this master to be supermaster for the current slaves. So I can migrate each slave one by one from the old master to the new master.

Or is there another way of migrating of an old powerdns master? Has anyone experience with this?

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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