
can nginx distinguish http headers with underscors from headers with a dash

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I have one server where I have one HTTP header that contains an underscore (example X_MYHEADER) all other headers do not use underscores.

Therefore I enabled the option underscores_in_headers on;

Now I'm asking myself whether I could distinguish a header like X_MYHEADER from an http header like X-MYHEADER

The only way that I know to access the value of a header is to use $http_x_myheader, but this would be identical for both cases.

If I can't distinguish both headers, would there be some way to allow X_MYHEADER but to ignore X-MYHEADER

gelonida avatar
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so far I found nothing and am afraid, that there is no solution. So I try to influence developers (front and back) to get rid of this HEADER, so that I can set again `underscores_in_headers on;` but would still be interested.
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